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How To Keep Up-to-Date With A Client

In this article, we focus on how to keep up-to-date with a client.

Clients don’t always tell you what’s going on with their company. So you need to be active to remain on-trend and be able to react.

Industry Publications

Use industry publications to read about the latest facts and innovation, for example, Retail Week is a great source of knowledge, and I use it to inspire my creative thoughts.

Google Alerts

Set up Google Alerts in order to find out what is being written about you across the web; sometimes, this creates an opportunity to build a relationship or links for SEO.

Google Blog Reader

Blogs tend to be un-bias so a good form of feedback. If someone has gone to the effort in writing an article, then they must feel strongly about the matter.

Social Mentions

In the old days, you wouldn’t really know what people are saying about your company with their friends and family, but now (especially with Twitter), you can find out what they love, hate, and build personal relationships with customers. Great way to gauge sentiment.

Your CEO

Check out what the CEO has been saying about your company. The kind words they use for giving you an idea of how they see the company going, plus give you some SEO direction.

What publications have they been in? Link-building opportunity?

Twitter and LinkedIn

Both are a pretty standard way of getting the latest news.

Finally, Make an effort to hear truly from your clients. Although all the automated “CRM” tools exist, you should take time to concentrate and get to know your clients on a human end.

It would be an impactful way to how to keep up-to-date with a client.


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