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6 Tips on How to Influence Google Suggest

Here we suggest Important 6 tips to follow, how to Influence Google Suggest.

To Optimize:

  • Ads in newspapers and TV encourage people to search for your brand a certain way rather than giving the specific campaign URLs
  • Use Mechanical Turk to get a workforce to search for your brand a certain way.
  • Ask people on social channels to search for your brand a certain way. Try enticing with a competition landing page rather than have that direct link in an update (a catchy name should help)
  • Make sure your landing page ranks first for the negative phrase i.e. a statement to apologize etc.
  • Release 6 press releases a month to influence a particular phrase
  • Direct Mail with a voucher which needs to be redeemed online but through searching a certain way

You may follow these tips that how to Influence Google Suggest and can test the result.


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